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Real Estate Social Network: What Social Media to use and how to use them

Updated: Jul 17

In the ever-evolving world of real estate, social networks have become powerful tools for real estate agents, property wholesalers, fix and flippers and even real estate investors. From finding lucrative investment opportunities to connecting with industry professionals, real estate social networks offer a wealth of resources. This guide will explore how you can effectively use these platforms to invest in and buy real estate, maximizing your potential for success.

Why Use Social Networks for Real Estate Investing?

Social networks provide a unique advantage in real estate investing by offering:

  • Access to Real-Time Information: Stay updated with market trends, property listings, and investment opportunities.

  • Networking Opportunities: Allowing you to connect with real estate professionals, investors, and potential partners.

  • Educational Resources: Learn from experts through articles, webinars, and discussion forums.

  • Marketing and Promotion: Showcase your properties and investment opportunities to a broad audience.

  • Better Targeting: Allows you to target marketing efforts to specific demographics. It is important to analyze the data on each platform to get the most out of your marketing dollar.

Social Networks

Facebook: Connecting with Communities and Finding Deals using this versatile powerhouse

Facebook is an invaluable tool for those within the real estate industry. Its broad user base and versatile features make it perfect for finding deals and networking. It has the most extensive user base with 2.96 million active users according to the Omnicore Agency.

How to Use Facebook for Real Estate networking

  1. Join Real Estate Groups: Participate in groups dedicated to real estate investing or whatever your real estate niche is. These communities often share off-market deals, investment strategies, and market insights and you want to be in the know when that happens.

  2. Follow Real Estate Pages: Like and follow pages of real estate companies, influencers, and investment groups. This will keep you updated on new listings and market trends.

  3. Use Facebook Marketplace: Browse the Marketplace for real estate listings. You can find properties directly from owners, often at competitive prices.

  4. Network with Professionals: Connect with other real estate agents, investors, and other professionals such as wholesalers. Wholesalers can be a valuable asset in finding off-market deals which is definitely a great way to build your portfolio of houses to buy/sell quickly. Building a network can help you find exclusive deals and get expert advice.

  5. Utilize Facebook Ads: Although this can get costly, set a budget and be consistent. Use this platform to have the leads come to you by creating ads that state that you buy or sell property.

  6. Post an Inquiry: You can also periodically make a post yourself to see if anyone is interested in selling their property. In this business you have to sometimes be bold and step out of your comfort zone to achieve what you want.

  7. Follow Estate Sale groups: Obviously someone is deceased (or other reasons) and their belongings are being sold. One of those items just may be real property. I try on a regular to attend estate sales to leave my business card and speak with the potential seller/estate sale organizer. These organizers have first hand knowledge about what's going on with the property and can provide you with valuable details that could lead to a purchase or sale.

  8. Use the Facebook Live tool to interact with your target audience with the use of Live Polling, comment moderation & graphics. Examples include Q&A sessions, virtual open houses, house trends, market insights, etc.

  9. Use the Poll Feature to find what your audience likes and dislikes about the property, if the house is over priced, if something should be renovated, and the like.

LinkedIn: Professional Networking and Knowledge Sharing

LinkedIn is the go-to platform for professional networking. It’s ideal for connecting with industry experts and accessing valuable insights within the Real Estate Industry.

How to Use LinkedIn as a Real Estate Social Network

  1. Build a Professional Profile: Ensure your LinkedIn profile is complete with a professional photo, detailed experience, and skills relevant to real estate.

  2. Join Real Estate & Banking Groups: Participate in LinkedIn Groups focused on real estate. Engage in discussions, ask questions, and share your knowledge while gaining knowledge also. It is also a great idea to seek out bankers in your areas that utilize this platform. Bankers can be valuable in having pre-foreclosure deals, getting approval, and assist in establishing lines of credit.

  3. Follow Influencers and Companies: Stay updated with the latest trends by following real estate influencers, investment firms, and market analysts.

  4. Share and Engage with Content: Post articles, share market insights, and engage with content shared by your connections. This helps you stay visible and build credibility.

Instagram: Visual Marketing and Property Showcase

Instagram’s visual nature makes it an excellent platform for showcasing properties and attracting potential buyers, sellers, and investors.

How to Use Instagram as a Real Estate Social Network

  1. Create an Engaging Profile: As with other social media platforms, use a professional photo, write a compelling bio, and include a link to your website or investment portfolio.

  2. Post High-Quality Images and Videos: Post that you are seeking to buy/sell real estate, share stunning photos and videos of properties, before-and-after renovation projects, and investment successes. This is a highly visible platform so use resources like Canva and CapCut to make your images and videos stand out.

  3. Use Instagram Stories and Reels: Utilize Stories and Reels to share quick inquiries for any potential sellers to contact you, property tours, market updates, open houses, and investment tips.

  4. Engage with Followers: Respond to comments, direct messages, and engage with content from other users to build relationships and attract potential partners. Make use of hashtags so that users can easily find you.

Twitter: Real-Time Updates and Market Insights

Twitter’s fast-paced environment is perfect for staying updated with real-time market information and networking with industry professionals.

How to Use Twitter for Social Media

  1. Follow Industry Experts: Follow real estate influencers, market analysts, and investment firms to get the latest news and insights.

  2. Use Hashtags: Use relevant hashtags like #RealEstateInvesting, #PropertyDeals, and #MarketTrends to find and share information.

  3. Engage with Tweets: Retweet, like, and comment on posts from industry professionals. Participating in conversations helps you stay visible and build relationships.

  4. Share Your Insights: Tweet your market analysis, investment tips, and property listings to establish yourself as a knowledgeable investor.

YouTube: Educational Content and Property Tours

YouTube is a powerful platform for sharing educational content and detailed property tours, making it a valuable resource for those in the real estate market.

How to Use YouTube as a Real Estate Social Media Network

  1. Create a YouTube Channel: Set up a dedicated channel for your real estate niche. Customize your channel with a professional banner and complete the “About” section.

  2. Upload Informative Videos: If you are interested investing in properties, post video content stating that you buy properties in your desired areas, provide valuable information about foreclosures, or any other topic based on your targeted real estate audience. This will help with search optimization. Use relevant keywords in your video titles, descriptions, and tags to improve your search visibility. For example, a title may include "I buy/sell houses in Louisiana", etc. If you sell properties, upload videos such as property tours, market analysis, investment strategies, and success stories. The key with this platform is to focus on a target area to help visibility.

  3. Engage with Viewers: Respond to comments on your videos and encourage viewers to like, share, and subscribe to your channel. Building a loyal audience can help you attract sellers, investors, and buyers depending on your Real Estate Niche

Pinterest: Visual Inspiration and Market Trends

Pinterest is an excellent platform for sharing visually appealing content related to real estate investing and market trends.

How to Use Pinterest as a Social Media Network

  1. Create Engaging Boards: Set up boards for different types of properties, market trends, renovation ideas, and investment tips.

  2. Pin High-Quality Images: Share high-quality images and infographics related to your real estate audience. Make sure your pins are visually appealing and informative.

  3. Use Keywords and Descriptions: Use relevant keywords in your pin descriptions to improve search visibility. Write detailed descriptions that provide context and encourage users to click through to your website.

  4. Engage with Other Users: Follow other users and repin their content to build relationships. Comment on and like pins to increase your visibility within the Pinterest community.


Regardless of your real estate audience, social networks offer a wealth of opportunities for all. By leveraging platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest, you can access valuable market information, connect with industry professionals, and find lucrative investment opportunities. Remember, consistency is key. Regularly posting high-quality content and engaging with your audience will help you build a strong online presence and establish yourself as a trusted real estate investor. Happy investing!

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The information in this article are the opinions of the writer. Before investing in real estate, conduct extensive research and perform due diligence.

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